Thursday, March 26, 2009


My Dearest Partners in Destiny,
Kim, Steph, Mee Yoke, Xiong, Peter, Albert, John, Vanessa, Amy, Gloria, James and Marcus..,

"Arigato Gozaimasu" Thank You so much for the "Surprised Blessing" I love surprises!! Haha!! But this surprise really touches me and I believed this “all expense paid trip to G.E.A.R, Muar + free air tickets” is the best surprise/gift for me in year 2009.

Yes, nothing is impossible with GOD. He sees my desperate 'desire', wanting so much to attend the G.E.A.R and He uses all of you as well as teaching all of you to meet other people's need and help. I’m really grateful that you all put your finances together to make this ‘desire’ of mine come through! Thank you all my partners in destiny....

I truly had a significant time with the LORD as well as enable me to catch up with all my partner in destiny in Muar, I really have a great time, Thanks again partners..

Through this special blessing, it also enable me to see you guys, indeed the generation GOD had set apart for Him, the generation described in Psalm 102:18-the finishing generation. Keep rising guys. Even we have been separated by the huge South China Sea, nothing can compare to the close bond we have for each other, even thicker than the blood...all this is because of JESUS, it is HIM in us, it is HIS love that teaches us, it is CHRIST who kept us close to each other. Yes, it is all because of JESUS who connected us to the Destiny. The same destiny we are pursuing after, and we will be the better partner in Destiny, now and forever.

I am truly proud of all of your speedy progress in your walk with GOD...and truly appreciate for all you have done and blessed me.

'Thank you, Arigato Gozaimasu, Terimakasih, Selamat, Nandri, Xie xie, Grazie, merci beaucoup, jay zutin badeh, kab koon ka,tack, kamsa hamnida, muchas gracias, me daase, shukran.....
and a BIG thank you to the mastermind of this blessing..thanks Kim, I appreciate you.

Know what guys, looking to the needs of others, honors Christ!! Amen!!
"May those who bless you, be blessed...." numbers 24:9

My love and blessing,
Laffy Shein
Kuching, Sarawak

P/s: I miss you all so very much....

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