I just can’t express with word, how thankful I m to the Father for His amazing plans in my life. I still remember over the past few months, I face a lot of discourage statement, pressure from everywhere and people even look down on me. It was a tough time for me. As a chemistry degree holder, I expect myself to get a job in no time. But things turn out to be more difficult than I thought. The countless applications I had sent and the numerous interviews I went for. In the end, there was no feedback from any of these companies.
Although all this challenges might be sad or even immobilize me from carrying on. But I never give up; I put my faith fully on God and believe on His word that things will come, it is just the matter of time. As this year 2010 is the year of acceleration, things will be accelerating fast for us as well and it will happen in an unusual way as the time is NOW!-
It is NOW, I got an offer from the company that I hope to work in. It was less than a day when I shared to my leader about this company, the job nature as a chemist and how good it will be if I get to work in this company.
I want to share this good news to everyone who read my testimonial. Never let situation, people or even circumstances to limit us but stay accurately connected to Him and have faith in Him believing what is to come. Although at times it might be tough but always bear in mind that God is fashioning and molding us in the midst of difficulties. Our Father will only allow us to go through things which He knows we have the ingredients within us to overcome. This is a year of unusual and things will happen in ways we never expect. Let us all believe and be ready to do things in a different way so that God can do His great and extraordinary works in our lives !
Praise the Lord for His amazing plans in each of us!
When we were worshiping in cell group, I heard God told me to be focus if I want to hear his voice. Besides that, God also said to me that every time when we are gathered as a team, there will be an explosion and this explosion will send us to every area to take over. This explosion will keep the flame in our hearts to keep burning. Upon hearing these words, I feel so excited that I just cant wait for us to gather again because I know that every time when we gather, things would surely happen.
During the cell group ( 19 /3/10 ) at Peter's house, Sis. Stephanie shared that we must focus on God when worshiping, and that we must yield ourselves unto the Lord. While we were worshiping, the Lord gave me a vision about the nations of the people praising and worshiping God. I saw them bowed down before the Lord and they shouted
“Worthy is the Lord God Almighty,
that rule and reigns over all the earth.”.
I was in awe and drawn to give Him all the glory and honor for HE IS THE LORD OF ALL THE NATIONS. I thank God for showing this vision.
During our recent cell group, we had a fantastic experience. God's awesome presence filled the place and all of us pressed in deeper to worship Him. I just lingered in His presence and totally enjoyed it and so did the rest.
While we were worshiping, God reminded me of something I learned recently in G.E.A.R. I saw the vision that Dr. Jonathan David told us. It was just like a flashback. I saw a river. It's not just any river but it was the river of living water as it was crystal clear, so clear as though its transparent. I went into the river and immediately what Dr. Jonathan David had taught us in G.E.A.R was brought back into my memory.
I remembered Dr. Jonathan David mentioned that it's in the river that all the contamination in me would be washed away and I will be totally cleansed! It's in this river that God's hand would stretch forth to begin to change and form me. It's here that I will gain a new name at the dawn of a new day, just like Jacob.
Upon receiving this vision and words, I began to speak it out strongly in the cell group. All of us were so encouraged and felt strong in our hearts. After the worship, all of us felt so happy because we're filled with the presence of God and know deep within that His hand would keep shaping and forming us. I'm so glad that we had this amazing experience!! XD
Today(19 March 2010) during cell group, God spoke to me about how my personality and behavior affects my advancement in my life. He talks to me about how inconsistent I was and about my bad habits as well.
God helped me realize that I still got many things to improve on in my life, but at the same time He reminded me that me and all of us are the carriers of the work of God therefore I must not let anything affect or contaminate what I carry in my heart.
I must shut down the works of the enemy, every lies of the enemy in my mind. I really thank God that He reminded me of this so I will not stay the same Albert but I will change. I know He began a good work in me, He will complete His work in me.
God is faithful and He trust in all of us.
He is always there waiting for us, until we're ready to take on the world!
Every challenges or problems, its all part of the test to train me to be better.
I must not let any one of these things stop me from pursuing God!
"For I am confident of this very thing, that He who began a good work in you will perfect it until the day of Christ Jesus." Philippians 1:6
Part 2
When GOD put you in a place, He has a reason and He will see that you made it through with HIM by your side. As you read the background of my project in Part 1, during the troubled times that I went through, GOD was gracious and He prepared all the things for me.
HE knows things cannot be fulfilled within 1 month (launching the project in April 2009), He extended the time for the project to make it possible (extended until Jan 2010).
HE send the enemy to become my ally and helped me instead. The customer hired their own project manager to improve the coordination at their end, he is a more senior and experience person. Under the hostile condition, GOD has miraculously made the Customer’s project team to be at peace with us and we were able to work well as a team subsequently. I have actually learned a lot from the customer’s Project Manager and sometimes he even helped/guided me in many ways which contributed to the project.
GOD knows my weaknesses, He had send helpers (Customers’ project manager) to assist me to address my weaknesses. Praise the Lord.
The LORD your God ye shall fear; and he shall deliver you out of the hand of all your enemies. --2 Kings 17:39 When a man's ways please the LORD, he maketh even his enemies to be at peace with him. --Proverbs 16:7
Sis Kim Suan once encouraged me saying that you don’t have to worry about your incapability, GOD place you there to be different and people will see that, it is not about you, it is about GOD. The people surrounding you will see the difference and you will stand out.
True enough, the customer’s strongly insisted that I have to continue to work in this project and see through until the end of the project. I heard that, in one of the Management meeting, the customer used me as a bargaining object threatening my company that they will not make the next payment if my company does not commit me to be in this project until the end. I was shocked to hear that for I felt a bit ridiculous that they looked too highly on me as I am just an ordinary person doing a decent job.
I was worried that the customer was mislead, as a lot of the contribution comes from the Team members and the Customer’s Project Manager who had also indirectly guided me a lot in many ways and I do not want to take the credit away from him and the project team. It was everyone’s hardwork.
Therefore I humbled myself and on one occasion I took the opportunity to speak to the Customer’s Director of the company and explained that the credit comes from the team and not me alone and their Project Manager was the main contributor. I was surprised by what the Director told me, he said something like the following (Not exact words but the similar meaning) ‘Yes, we know that he is more experience and it doesn’t matter who is leading who. The reason that we would like you to continue to work in this project is because that throughout these period (pass 8 months), both team had foster a good working relationship and cooperating very well.
We would like to continue to maintain the same working relationship to keep the momentum moving to complete phase 1.2 and phase 1.3. The management feels like you are the lucky charm that bring good luck to the project’. (Non-believers believes in lucky charm because they did not know GOD) After these words, I felt some sort of a relieved as I understand, that they were not mislead.
From then I understood what Sis Kim Suan says earlier, you are placed there to make a difference and influence others. I then can further relate to the verse, Palsm 84:6 ‘walking through the valley of Bacca’. ‘As they pass through the Valley of Baca, they make it a place of spring; the autumn rains also cover it with pools’ Even though the Valley of Baca is a valley of death, and if GOD wants us to walkthrough the valley, we obey GOD’s words and walk in accordance to his plan and will, HE will be with us all the way through it. HE will turn the surroundings of the valley of death into spring which bring forth life. In short, it means, GOD will use us to change the environment around us and bring forth life from death.
I am glad that even of my incapabilities, GOD guided me, send forth helpers to assist, made my enemies my ally so that things will work for good.
At many times the Pastor’s sermon in Hong Kong was sharing the same verses at the same weekend as what Belinda is hearing in Malaysia as well. Eg. Psalm – Valley of Bacca. The chapter were quoted on the same Sunday in Hong Kong and Malaysia’s sermon. This is really something wonderful as GOD was talking to Me and Belinda at the same time.
WOW, our GOD is really GREAT & MIGHTY…. AMEN. Lastly I want to thank TCC Church member’s who had constantly prayed for me throughout these period.
To explain a bit about the background of my work in Hong Kong(HK),
My boss roughly briefed me about the status of a project in Hong Kong during Nov 2008 and I was aware of some of the problems during that time. I was then requested to assist to work the Project in Hong Kong at end of Feb 2009 and was told that it is suppose to be implemented by 1st of April 2009 for phase 1. Therefore I was told to assist to work towards implementing the system by then as it is very crucial to the customer and I assume that I will be working in Hong Kong for a short period of time, maybe about 2-3 months.
As I heard this, I felt the tremendous pressure on this project. To simply elaborate, the project was running for about a 9 months and I am suppose to go into the project and within 1 month, I need to set things in order and make sure it can be launched….. Wow, just imagine how pressure it would be ?. I really needed a miracle to do that. I analyzed and reply my boss that I do not have the confident as I cannot make things happen within 1 month, however I will do my best to make it happen.
As I share this with Sis Kim Suan and others, I was encouraged that with GOD’s strength and by His will, if I am placed there in the project, He will make things happen, there is a purpose.
Therefore I came to Hong Kong in end of Feb 2009, the customer was impressed by my presence in the project, they insisted my boss to place me under this project until the end. I tried my best, however the system was not able to kick off 1st April. I was very discouraged at first as I feel that I failed to make things happened. A series of event started to happen, our relationship with the customer is turning sour and things went on until the extent of considering legal actions against my company. After much negotiation between the management of both company, things started to change and the relationship was restored. However, the project is still facing a lot of problems.
During the month of April and May, we started to re-plan the project and during this period it was quite a hostile situation as the relationship with the customer was in bad terms. After the re-planning, miraculously we were able to negotiate and extended the project into 3 sub phases. Which was phase 1.1 – implement Jan 2010, phase 1.2 – implement Jun 2010 and phase 1.3 – implement Dec 2010. Just imagine, it was further extended into another 20 months. Really a miracle again for we are able to extend the implementation and Customer relationship restored.
And here we are now Jan 2010 and we have managed to implement phase 1.1 successfully.
In these hard and troubled times for the past 10 months, I experienced emotion roller coasters, uncertainty, discouragement, overwhelming, frustration, …etc but I overcame each of it by trusting in HIS WORD, knowing that His words would always remain. I pray to GOD and TCC Church member’s also prayed along during these periods. I have then experience GOD’s grace in my life and I would like to share how great is HE in the part 2 of my testimony.
Hi, my name is Felicia Loo and I come from Penang (part of Malaysia). This holiday, I went to visit my cousin’s family in Kuala Lumpur.
During this period of time, I went to their church for Sundays or for cell groups and Youth Meeting. Now, I want to share with you about my experience here in their church.
Firstly, I was touched by the Holy Spirit strongly. When we worship, I felt that I was in a higher dimension than before and I was also able to linger in the presence of God. I learned a lot of things here and God spoke to me and gave me vision.
I can still remember that once in their cell group, He told me: I am with all of you, I am your guide. Heavens will open and so will your hearts. Though this is my 2nd time to their cell group only, but once the presence of God filled me, I was able to connect with what they’re teaching and what God is speaking, which is “open heavens”. Another time was in the Youth Meetings. God said that we’re in Zion now and no one can stop us from worshiping God because His presence is here, and we are in Zion to worship and praise Him.
God also gave me a vision, I saw water and many seeds. The water is God’s presence while the seeds are us. Once the water fell upon the seeds, they began to grow. It’s just like how we’ll grow when the presence of God touched or filled us.
Besides of receiving words and visions, I was strongly touched by the sharing of the word and felt that I should change when I was reminded that we shouldn’t keep playing and not spend time with God. Once I got back to Amy’s house (where I stayed during the holidays) I talked with God before I slept and I continued to talk with Him even for the rest of the nights and I will do that even when I go back to Penang (before this, I seldom talked to Him).
This experience is great and I will keep on pushing forward when I go back to Penang. I thank God for touching me and for opening up my hearts. Praise the Lord, Amen~ ~ ^_^
We believe this is the YEAR OF THE UNUSUAL where many miracles would begin to break out in our lives. God has spoken to us as a church that Zion would no longer be just a word but a reality. This is the year where God is coming to us!
We are rallying to do all that we can to attract Him and to have Him stay with us. That is why we are ready to adjust our lives and to do the following CONSISTENTLY & PASSIONATELY:-
1. Staying accurately connected by hearing His word and responding to it.
2. Have a renewed mind- a mind of possibilities.
3. Willing to break free from our routine and to do things differently.
Yes! YEAR 2010 is the year of the unusual, the year where many miracles would begin to breakout from our lives.
This is the place where all people can see the wonders and glory of God that is @ work in the daily lives of the members in TCC and those who are connected to us. Amazing God, amazing people, amazing news!