Thursday, September 3, 2009


I learned so many things in IYC. Life is never the same anymore.

During IYC, we were told to pray and push in the spirit every morning. "Pray like it is the last time to pray to God." someone said. Everyone of us decided to turn away from our old life and to make a firm decision like Daniel - to live a life, set apart for Him. I want to be the student of His Word!!!

I used to wake up at 5:15am to rush to work. (and only arrive home at 8pm) Now, I wake up at 4:30am for a God encountering moment before starting my busy day. I did not pray or ask God if I should do that or ask Him how to do, I just did it. He has given me everything I needed to build His Kingdom. I want His presence, His fresh word and His Holy Spirit.

I have been doing that without failing since I came back from IYC. I almost gave up the second day as there are so much work undone, in the end, I only sleep for 5 hours. When the alarm rings, I wanted to sleep longer. It must be the Holy Spirit who quicken my spirit. My spirit took charge and I woke up.

On the 3rd day, I only sleep for 4 hours. You know what, I do not feel tired physically. Infact, I feel more fresh! Seriously, I don't know how it happens but I am glad it does! This is something I never knew I can breakthrough that easily.

I used to sleep in the bus and feel tired the whole day in work. Now, I even listen to sermon mp3 through my cell phone and stay fresh alert in work! My colleague just asked me why am I so smiley. :D~ It is His Spirit that keeps me strong, His Word that guides me and His presence that accompanies me.

This is so fun! It is only the 4th day of my new lifestyle. I will not give in to the lies of the enemy!! This IS my new lifestyle!! Everyday is getting more exciting as I see miracles happening in my own life!!

It doesn't matter what the word is becoming because I know who I am becoming!!!

By StephNg

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